General Terms and Conditions

  1. General
    These general terms and conditions apply to all offers and agreements between Barefoot training & coaching and clients, respectively their legal successors. All quotations are without obligation, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing.
  2. Guarantee
    Barefoot training & coaching undertakes to carry out the agreed work to the best of its knowledge and ability.
  3. Confidentiality
    Barefoot training & coaching will put the interests of the client and its employees that fall within the scope of the assignment first. Barefoot training & coaching is committed to secrecy towards third parties regarding all information and data of the client.
  4. Staff
    If Barefoot training & coaching believes that this is desirable for the execution of the assignment, Barefoot training & coaching can decide to have another employee carry out the assignment or to change the composition of the project team. The basic principle here is that the intended change may not reduce the quality of the execution, nor may it jeopardize the continuity of the assignment.
  5. Rates and costs
    With regard to the rates and the cost estimates based thereon, it is stated in the quotation and the agreement whether travel hours, travel and accommodation costs and other assignment-related costs are included. Said costs, if not included, will be charged separately. A change in the level of wages and/or costs during the term of the assignment, which necessitates Barefoot training & coaching to adjust rates or adjust other aforementioned cost allowances, will be passed on. If such an adjustment takes place within three months after the start date of the execution of an assignment, the client has the right to cancel the agreement, on the understanding that the services already provided must be paid at the original rate.
  6. Terms of payment
    Unless otherwise agreed, Barefoot training & coaching will send an invoice to the client at the start of the assignment for the total amount of the agreed assignment. At the end of the assignment, a final settlement may follow in connection with expenses that have not yet been invoiced. Payment must be made within 14 days after the date of the relevant invoice, unless otherwise agreed. After the due date, the statutory interest will be charged, without notice of default being required. If payment is not made, Barefoot training & coaching can suspend the execution of the assignment. Complaints against an invoice must be submitted in writing within 10 working days of receipt of the invoice. If the client is in default or otherwise fails to fulfil one or more of its obligations, all reasonable costs incurred in obtaining payment, both judicial and extrajudicial, will be borne by the client.
  7. Interim change or termination of the assignment
    The client accepts that the time schedule of the assignment may change. Either because this is deemed necessary in the context of the careful execution of the assignment, or because the parties agree in the interim that the approach, working method or scope of the assignment and/or the resulting activities must be changed and/or expanded. If the interim change affects the agreed fee or expense allowances, Barefoot training & coaching will notify the client as soon as possible. If an interim change in the assignment or assignment is caused by the client, Barefoot training & coaching will make the necessary adjustments if the quality of the service requires this. If such an adjustment leads to additional work, this will be confirmed to the client as an additional order. During the term of the agreement, Barefoot training & coaching can always terminate the agreement unilaterally at any time, if Barefoot training & coaching believes that the assignment can no longer be performed in accordance with the agreed assignment confirmation. Barefoot training & coaching will make this clear to the client in writing and with reasons. If one of the parties becomes bankrupt, applies for a moratorium or discontinues business operations, the other party has the right to terminate the assignment without observing a notice period, while retaining its rights.
  8. Cancellation of an agreement
    Cancellation of an agreement by the client is always made in writing.

    For in-person open enrolment programmes
    In case of cancellation up to eight weeks before the start of the program, 30% of the participation amount is due. In case of cancellation within eight weeks to four weeks before the start of the program, the cancellation costs amount to 50% of the participation amount as well as 50% of the agreed accommodation costs. In case of cancellation within four weeks before the start of the program or if the participant does not show up, 100% of the participation costs and 100% of the agreed accommodation costs remain due.

    For in-company programmes / custom programmes / consultancy processes:
    A cancellation free or charge is possible up to 8 weeks before the start. In case of cancellation between 8 and 4 weeks before the start, Barefoot training & coaching will charge 50% of the fee. In case of cancellation less than 4 weeks before the start, Barefoot training & coaching will charge the entire agreed fee.

    For coaching:
    Cancellation of an appointment for a meeting in the context of an agreed assignment must be communicated to Barefoot training & coaching in advance. If cancelled within 48 hours before the appointment, 50% of the cost of a session will be charged. If cancelled within 24 hours before the appointment, 100% of the cost of a session will be charged.

  9. Replacement attendees at training sessions
    A training course or programme has the best result if the participants follow all training days. There is no right to replacement of training course or program days in which one has not participated.
  10. Cancellation of an order
    In the event of cancellation of an agreed assignment by the client, Barefoot training & coaching  will charge preparation costs already incurred, with a minimum of 10% of the total amount.
  1. Force majeure
    Barefoot training & coaching reserves the right to change or cancel the established dates, training courses and programmes at any time in the event of force majeure situations, under which, except from outside circumstances such as extreme weather conditions and the like, it also understands the loss of project employees due to illness or termination of employment, whereby timely replacement is not possible. Barefoot training & coaching is not liable for any damage caused on the part of the client or participant, if Barefoot training & coaching is forced to invoke force majeure.
  1. Intellectual property rights
    The intellectual property rights of syllabi, workbooks and information provided by Barefoot training & coaching are and will remain with Barefoot training & coaching and will never pass to the client or the participants in an open enrolment training or education. Disclosure can therefore only take place after Barefoot training & coaching has given written permission to do so.
  1. Liability
    Barefoot training & coaching accepts liability for damage that is a direct result of an attributable shortcoming on the part of Barefoot training & coaching in the execution of the agreed assignment. The liability is expressly limited to the amount of the fee that Barefoot training & coaching has received for the work in the context of the relevant assignment.
  1. Dispute Resolution
    All disputes that may arise as a result of the agreed assignment can be submitted to the competent court within the district where Barefoot training & coaching is established and therefore fall under Dutch jurisdiction.

Contact details

Jo Boniszewski
Prins Bernhardlaan 28
3761 AB Soest

E-mail address:
Phone: 0630036851

Chamber of Commerce number: 32123968
